Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today was Caleb's first day of Kindergarten. He was very excited and not hesitant what so ever. The bell rang and he went to line up with his class on the blacktop. All the classes line up together and the whole school says the Flag salute together. After the older kids were dismissed, the kindergarteners lined up at the wall for pictures. Some of the kids were pretty upset but Caleb was great. After a few pictures, we said goodbye as the class took their first field trip to the bathroom!! I watched Caleb walking back to his classroom after their potty break and it looked like he was wiping a few tears out of his eyes. He must have realized that we were gone and he didn't know anyone. We went home to an unusually quiet house. The time went quickly and we were back in the car to go pick him up. He came walking out with a big smile and yelled "mommy" when he saw me coming. He was wearing a birthday crown with his name on it. He got to bring cupcakes since his birthday was yesterday. He had a great first day.
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this little sonic iceberg said...

he looks like such a little gentleman. thanks for the email too!
and i'm glad you started blogging. i'll go link you.

kddub said...

wow, he's so big! How cute. Hows he been liking his first weeks?